Piling On The Donald

The media has earnestly lit up every orifice the past few days serving us a buffet of salacious quotes Presidential Candidate Donald Trump used over ten years ago.  Each day, we are offered another load of his vulgarity.

Citizens on both sides of the aisle are crying out for Mr. Trump to quit the race, or proclaiming their change of minds in supporting him. Pundits are shaking their heads and wagging their tongues. So many opinions erupting - so little time with just the one mind each of us has in which to process this bombardment.

Thanks to the public's right to know, the media has generously posted the clips and articles for our perusal. Things that were said once at one point in time can now be looped. We can all be insulted over and over by a foolish man who - did I say this already? - said something once? Now, many more people can learn how to vulgarly disparage women. Innocent kids are sure to bump into an online finger-pointing article. Technological advances can now reinforce the downward spiral of cultural language.

Do I think Mr. Trump behaved properly? Absolutely not. For a man of his influence especially, that was below the gutter. One would think with all of his power and privilege, he might have had a little class? Instead, he proved to be just another jerk with gold-plated everything.  An immature man who thinks talking tough about sex makes him sound like a man. I remember those guys in high school and walked away then.

Was I surprised to learn that Mr. Trump has a poop mouth? No. I do, however, wince at the level of publicity. No one should be in a place where they hear such lewd words about anyone. That being said, do I think - like the media and public seem to portray - that he is the only person in the world to be a fool? Absolutely not. Especially with politicians. Then I chuckle. Right. Like those career politicians in Washington spending our tax dollars on their folly? Like they are all gentlemen/women when the camera is off? History says otherwise. Many words have been written about the ongoing beastly personal behavior of the other candidate - Hilary Clinton. No one is referencing that just yet.

Stand up right now if you have never have you ever said something awful ten years ago that you regret? Something that makes you look small and vile? The truth is, we have all done stupid things and hurt other people with our words. Healthy people deal with it properly. Unhealthy people camp on it and throw it back in our faces. Which one do you want to be?

Donald Trump has apologized and admitted he really blew it. I would just like him to go one step farther and admit he was a jerk and knows he was wrong. In our culture, a blunder like this has a huge social justice audience ready to pounce. If you are wrong - admit it loudly twice and then move on. And never resort to this again.

The ten-year old lewd language is getting more press than the discovery of speeches Hilary Clinton recently made that counter her key political stances. What Hilary said would literally impact the world and no one blinks. What Donald said was to one person and only reflects his jerkiness. One can still be a jerk and be president of anything. Because our culture values finding fault in others, we are stuck with Groundhogs Day news for now.

The thing is, the Lord forgives our confessed sins as far as the east is from the west. And he doesn't throw them back in our faces, nor would he post them online to embarrass us. Only humans do that. And so, the media and a bunch of high-rankers are blowing their pious horns and aiming the bright light on one Donald J. Trump in all of their righteousness. Which does not exist.

If it wasn't so culturally foretelling, I would just wince in embarrassment for them.


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