You Call That Courage??

The original 1828 Webster's Dictionary defintion of "Courage" reads as follows:

" Bravery, intrepidity; that quality of mind which enables men to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear or depression of spirits; valor; boldness; resolution. It is a constituent part of fortitude; but fortitude implies patience to bear continued suffering."

The man that was Bruce Jenner has decided he is a woman. He got a new name and a new, surgerically created feminine look. Recent social media pix show the former Mr. Jenner dazzeling New Yorkers in gorgeous dresses, looks and attending important functions.

He-now-declared-she has been publically declared as having "courage". Apparently there is a televised award show airing soon that will crown him/her with a trophy.

Okay. What? An award for re-describing yourself and calling that courage?? Anyone with money can PAY to do whatever to their bodies or names. So what? I call that pure VANITY.

Courage, to me is the breast cancer survivor who undergoes surgery to create new breasts. Courage, to me is the person who enlists in the military and survives Basic Training and is willing to be deployed. And goes off to fight for their Country. Courage, to me is the person who doesn't personally know the people in the burning building but runs in to bring survivors out. Courage, to me is one who fist-fights a bear that is attacking their family while camping. Courage, to me is the kid who braves their first piano recital. Courage involves tackling outer circumstances and has nothing to do with artifical obstacles. Ever.

The media has jumped on this "story" in order to capitalize on ratings. If not that... why? Why would such a small percentage of the population become so heralded? This is just some media-described hot topic. The more the media pounces, the hotter this gets.

Good news. Regardless of the gorgeous outfits Mr. Jenner waltzes around in as a Courageous New Woman, it still isn't truth. He had to pay to do things to his outer image in order to wear his new designer clothes. He still lives with the original chromosomes he was born with. That's why I can't refer to him as a her. If I declare I am now a tree are you suddenly gonna embrace and refer to me as one?

Do I wish I could have the five outfits I saw him in online today? Absolutely.  I just don't have that kind of moolah, either.


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