Hope and Change Promise Comes True


The community organizer had big dreams of changing America. In just one and a half terms he has succeeded to do just that on possibly the largest, all-encompassing scale ever.

He has impacted daily living, economy, business, faith, terrorism and even the dictionary definitions we once knew.

Off the top of my head and in no particular order, are the things we can give Obama full credit for:

- Not only is he the first black president (if you don't count Bill Clinton), he is also the first one to continually create a discussion of racial inequality when for the most part, the riots and rage had long ago subsided.

- By editing what is acceptable for school lunches, his administration has brought long overdue attention for the need for taste. They are also responsible for the creation of a trente-sized garbage can outside every lunchroom in order to catch all the waste. Positively, there is now much better pig food for America's farmers.

- Staunch federal support to fund alternate sources of energy and power. Even if these businesses' balance sheets remain in the red there is no giving up. We are too going to have alternate sources of power - just not produce our own oil.

- The brilliant act of getting congress to seriously vote in a national health care plan without reading the bill. Then overseeing miserable technical operations and spiraling costs as if this was all a good thing. Money is probably saved by exempting all federal employees from participating in the questionable plans they have made legal for everyone else in the land.

- Demonstrating strength of character by not allowing anything that happens to juggle his regularly scheduled plans. No beheading of an American, no terrorist act on embassy soil will rile his feathers or his itinerary. #Strengththroughpeace

- Speaking of playing nice with others - brokering a first of its kind deal with a country that is the largest supporter of international terrorism. Treating terrorists in business suits fairly? We have only 8 years to see the first of many repercussions.

- Increasing government programs and services so that a full 49% of the country is completely dependent on Uncle Sam for every aspect of ther daily living. This is a genius way to gaurantee ongoing votes for his party in coming elections. #Legacy

- Creating a negative view toward American prosperity by continually bringing up class differences. As if it is "bad" to be successful financially. Apparently it is "bad" for conservative Americans, but not Hollywood and certainly not politicians. He introduced a new mindset: "it's not fair" and "everyone should be equal". (Except the afforementioned.) And putting in effort is not part of the discussion. #Entitlement

- Depicting America as a nation requiring apologies internationally. Introducing the concept of the friendship table and reducing the might of our military so no one will be offended. Everyone gets a certificate of participation. No one should win or lose. #Peace

- Overlooking America's former friends and allies in favor of getting some terrorist nations to like us. This isn't Facebook. #Selfie

- Showing he is accessible and caring by inviting a former army deserter's parents to the Rose Garden and then trading five high-value terrorist prisoners to get Bowe Bergdahl back on American soil. He was too busy to send his respects to sniper hero Chris Kyle's widow, though. Perhaps this is because Bergdahl left his gun behind when he ran and Kyle used his over and over?

- Highlighting how "bad" guns are in order to convince Americans they do not need their second ammendment right. Not when the government is there to take care of them. Continuing to ban guns for our service personnel on American soil and allowing them to be sitting targets.  #GunControl

- Diluting God's presence. No longer do we say "so help me God". We just say "so help me". There is quite a difference in making a promise to God and a promise to the air. But then, mustn't we be inclusive to the point that the majority is now marginalized in favor of small percentages of people who don't like the whole "nation under God" thing.

- Using the Supreme Court to compromise its area of influence by redefining marraige - complete with touchy-feely words. Marriage was not defined by government before now. In a rush to appear kinder, the feds have targeted one group of people to legitimize and removed the power from each state in one sweeping decision. They have also helmed our country turning its back on God without shuddering. #Brazen

- Creating a climate of control under the guise of "free speech". The only people free to speak are the marginalized who protest loudly. Thanks to this administration, conservatives and Christians are now "haters" and targets of lawsuits for exercising their right to free speech. Oh wait, they lost that one. I await the "Farmer's Only" dating site lawsuit. How dare farmer daters exclude others?

While most of these changes that are ridiing the crest of hope were long in play before the Obama dynasty began, he is the Man who receives the credit for putting the cap on the pen. It has all happened under his reign. He should be called "The Redefiner".  What was once good is now bad. What was once illegal deserves a fair chance while pointer fingers air-jab  at those questioning what has happened. He leaves behind ardent followers who will continue to fight on into the next administration. And when America suffers internationally for lack of fortitude and strength, there's always those haters to blame.


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