While We Were Sleeping

Love that 90's movie with Sandra Bullock. While You Were Sleeping. Not only the story, but how we got to see it in the theaters with a bambino in a stroller. The kidlet who needed constant motion. We sat in the unoccupied handicapped section and pushed his ride to and fro in order to see the movie with the same name.

As a more grown up person with some antenae, every time I see a major media source focus on just one story (for ratings?), I always wonder what else is going on in the world that we aren't hearing about. What are we missing?

Fast forward to NOW. ISIS (I refuse to accomodate their continual name changes) is ravaging northern Africa and pummeling the Middle East. It also has a vast presence in Indonesia we rarely hear about.

When was ISIS born? Why didn't we hear more about this Pac Man Terrorist organization before it took so much power and rage on? Inklings of an ISIS in some form has existed far back into Osama Bin Laden's reign. Recent documents published indicate his concern to obliterate Americans and not attack fellow Muslims even then. Obviously, the New Version did not adhere to Bin Laden's admonitions.

To me the big date in the history of ISIS was in March 2009 when President Barack Obama announced to the world the exact future dates America would be pulling troops out of Afghanistan. The second big date was in October 2011 when he further announced troop reductions and pull-out dates in Iraq. I remember remarking to my husband, "talk about giving terrorists a time table to go ahead and get ready..." I hate with all my heart that my words have proven to be true. {Side note: Ceasing to participate in the War in Iraq does not mean the war is over, nor won. It simply means that the United States stopped in their tracks, leaving inadequately trained citizens with a ton of weaponry that later fell into terrorist hands. That war is no more over than that the turkey in the oven is cooked when you shut the oven off.}

Why don't the media pick up on this? Instead we information-seekers are left to hear pundit after pundit point fingers. When all we want to know is what is going on. I am more than done hearing politicos rant and blame. I want to hear how problems can be solved. I want to hear solutions. More than anything I want to see our country united and standing strong in the world. I want to stop hearing negativity from elected officials who appear to care more for their re-election than what the country needs.

From the daily press briefings, our current Administration does not appear to be concerned about the cancerous matasticization of ISIS, even when city after city falls (back) into their hands. ISIS is dismissed as Iraq's Problem. They do, however, think global warming is of greater concern. I am not certain how these two concepts compare. ISIS is a mindset willing to wait and willing to die in order to usher in their version of the end times. They believe they are doing the will of Allah. The weather does not have personal intention even though it might have a mind of it's own.

While we are sleeping - arguing politically, subjectively insisting on our own causes - other forces  continue to plot and take chess move after chess move in their quest to dominate the world. This is not someone else's problem. We can't afford to take our eyes off this, neither can we believe that peace is found by being nice and reducing the military's stength or power. That only gives ISIS more power to become an even bigger threat.

Wake up America. We can't afford to sleep on this one.


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