"I Identify As...."

With the Bruce Jenner appearance change and being heralded as courageous for his new name and attitude - not to mention prominent cover shoot on a big deal magazine - we now have NAACP leader Rachel Dolezel pretending to be black. Talking heads are lumping them both in the same bucket. If that is what they feel, we must then understand and support.

Apparently both parties have felt they identified more as a female/black since childhood. Both have altered their appearances to reflect their true inner selves. The fake black lady's parents are shaking their heads while new-woman Bruce's family is applauding.

No matter how many surgeries or self-tannings, each of these people still have the same DNA they were born with. And in Rachel's case - the same birth parents even though she shows a photo of a black dad. Both of these people have to undergo extra effort in order to appear as the person they claim is their authentic self.

Since it is on-trend to identify with what we wish, here are a few things I identify as. I can't pick just one so I must have the new condition of Multiple Authentic Identity Confusion:

- World Consultant. My opinions on every subject surely enhance the planet and expose truth.
- Black Recording Artist. Soul music, baby. Before Ms. Dolenzel's first perm I identified with R&B.
- Italian Chef. Living in Tuscany in a restored ruin with my own cable cooking show.
- Giraffe. Eating leafy greens and seeing above everyone else. Long legged and graceful.
- Paremesan Cheese. Healthy eats. Subtle flavor-add. Goes with everything compatibly yet distinct.

Please don't confuse my new disorder with my multiple #Love #Languages.

When my kids were little and arguing with me about the color of the sky, I would say, "Go ahead. You can think the sky is purple. Even though it is actually blue. You can think what you want but just know that it is really blue." Arguement over. I did not fight for them to acknowledge the blue sky. They could think it was purple as long as they liked. Shrug.

So go ahead Bruce/Caitlyn and Rachel. And everyone else who is about to burst onto the media's radar. Think what you want. But please just don't lie about it. And remember, your packaging is just on the outside.


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