The Real Hero of The Week

Less than a week ago, former Olympian Bruce Jenner made Kardashian-esque news in his exclusive 2-hour interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC. It was then that he informed no one anything new as his ever-altering image has been splayed accross the media for years that "Dude Looks Like a Lady." Apparently, Jenner feels female on the inside and is taking dollars, time and doctors - not to mention press - to correct the joke he claims that God has pulled on him.

Yes, I admit I watched that awkward interview where Sawyer positioned herself as if this was a newsworthy story with all the correct "listening" expressions and postures. It was uncomfortable to watch a once-famous athlete seek to redefine and normalize what he is doing. It was uncomfortable to watch a once-famous athlete seek Kardashian "fame". Twice his eyes gave a knowing look as he triumphantly stated that with all the drama in his ex-wife's franchise he "had the real story" all along.

Apparently Bruce believes "his story" is going to trump the audience dollars his kids and step kids benefit from. It saddened me to see him clawing for glory as if anything any of them does matters. Being famous for being famous was indeed a clever earnings tactic, but in the sea of humanity should not get one single nod. We don't need another person vain enough to think their story is worthy of us pausing our lives to watch theirs. That's time we can't get back. Do you really want to waste it watching someone else petulantly pouting?

Top that with the fact that many in the media and transgender world are heralding him as a hero, and he is eager to "help people". If he wants to be a hero and help people, go pick up a shovel and jet to Nepal. Go to a women's shelter and volunteer to  repair cars. Donate a billion to veterans. There are lots of ways he could be a real hero. Hacking into his body with his disposable income is not one. And no matter what the outside appears as, he cannot change his chromosomes, DNA or number of ribs. Okay, perhaps he could get some doc to add another rib surgically, but it still won't make up for the fact that he was genetically born a male. Truth cannot be erased, try as you surgically might.

I feel sad for people so self-focused that they vomit too much information in order to get people to honor their "special" condition or bask in their fifteen minutes of perceived fame.

News flash: Everyone is special. Every color, every ethnicity. Every faith. Thanks, Bruce and Diane for your attempt to further divide and confuse our watered-down-culture of questionable values and ever erupting perversity. Just thanks for more of this. Thanks for nothing. Thanks for falling prey to the culture's lowest denominator: doing anything for money.

The real hero this week? The Baltimore Mom who saw her kid rioting on live TV and hauled herself to the mob site to yank him outta there.


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