The Church. Where They Shoot Their Own.

It saddens me to learn that Franklin Graham is being openly attacked by other Christian leaders. In a social media post, I read that they have even forgiven him.

If you are not familiar with Samaritan Purse founder, Reverand Franklin Graham perhaps you have heard of his famous father, Billy? Billy Graham is probably one of the most well-known evangelistic preachers in the world, having spent time with every President since Harry Truman. Billy loves God, period. He is a-political and has spent his adult life traveling the world bringing his simple message to millions of people that God sent his son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that if we believe that, we will inherit eternal life. Son Franklin has become more visible as Billy ages. Franklin is also a humanitarian, traveling the world to provide tangible care for the persecuted and impoverished.

Billy did not speak about politics, but Franklin does. More and more as the threat of ISIS continues to explode and our current president side-steps this horror. Recently, Franklin stated that someone asked him why he speaks out when his father didn't. His reply was that the world his father grew up in was very different from the world we live in today.

I follow Franklin on social media and see him interviewed on cable news. He is a dignified, earnest man who follows God with a passion that takes him all over the world. He is probably more knowledgeable about foreign affairs than any secretary of state. Each time he states his concern, he provides biblical reasoning while maintaining respect for our nation's leaders. Often, he puts out a call for more prayer for our elected officials. He is the voice reminding us that there is evil in the world, and you can't reason with evil or look the other way.

Recently Franklin made a comment on social media to the effect that it doesn't matter what color you are, if a police officer tells you to put your hands up, you obey. He went on to say that parents need to teach their children respect for authority - if more children grew up respecting authority, there might not be as many senseless shootings.

The Christians who signed and published a letter to Franklin accused him of "sinning against them"  and that his "patronizing" "flippant" comments would not be tolerated.  The younger Graham was indited for not having empathy for the suffering of those "impacted by sin under the weight of the broken judicial system". [That's the problem.] According to the letter-writers, Franklin has a "cavelier disregard" for "oppressed and enslaved people". They wrap the letter up by saying they forgive him and invited him to a discussion and reconciliation.

Only the church shoots its own. Graham merely quoted portions of the Bible that speak about the seriousness of obedience. Obedience is not only important with the law, but with our parents and leaders. It is a key pillar of the Christian faith. God wants us to obey him. For these people to infer and twist Franklin's remark is inane. Especially when you look at his resume of outreach and hands-on compassion for people all over the world. This letter was short-sighted and petty in comparison to the scope of Mr. Graham's work. Franklin did not accuse anyone, he merely made a statement. His persecutors falsely accused him and made negative inferences that have no connection to his comment.

His detractors have been drinking the over-sanitized social justice koolaid by pointing fingers, getting angry and claiming he was an intolerant sinner. Huh? How did they pull that out of what he said? It's as if there is an agenda to fill and a mantra to repeat. Welcome to our in-your-face-offensive-world where there is no black or white but tons of gray to make everything okay. Franklin calls it like he sees it, and he uses the Bible as his eye chart. He does not take things out of context and his highest desire is to represent God well so that others can know and love him, too.

Frankling Graham did nothing to forgive. The letter-writers on the other hand, did. This lack of objectivity and humanity and profound judgement is exactly what is wrong with the North American church. Hey Church, I think it's time to throw out your current template and dust of the Book of Acts and see what church Jesus intended for us to build. Pious legalism is not attractive and gives God a bad name. Shame on you.


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