Presidential Prerequisites

Somewhere in grade school, didn't we learn about the minimum age and required citizenship status in order for someone to become president? Those are fine. They can stay. But I believe we need to add to the list. Let's make it more robust. And make an understanding of the international situations a duh. And while we are at it. what if there were no more war chests? What if each candidate had the same spending limit? And... you'll love this one...what if campaigning could not begin until 90 days prior to the election? And... what if slander ads were off the table?

Imagine a shorter campaign period where nothing but facts were presented? Hmmm. Oh wait, what about all the spin jobs that would go away? Well, maybe the should.

Before anyone even runs for office of the President of the United States they need to meet more than those minimum standards and having a law degree is not on my list - we can leave that to all the cable talking heads.

1.  They must have graduated Basic Training in one of the branches of military. How can they wear a suit and sit with military commanders and make decisions without having worn a uniform? They need to have spent 10 weeks saying "Yes Drill Sergeant" and learning that their freedom is not their own. Only then can they be humbled enough to lead the ones who give their lives for the nation's freedom.

2.  They must have managed a business. They don't have to be a CEO, even a store manager will do. They need to know how business plans and strategic planning works. They need to have valued a dollar earned and learned how to handle it. They need to know the intricacies of hiring, training and staff development. And they absolutely need to know how to create and manage a profitable budget. Profitable. Did I say profitable?

3. They must have governed. The can't just be an elected representative who has never spent time actually leading. All those committee memberships are well and good, but they do not compare to the daily activities of someone in charge who must adapt plans to handle emergencies. The only emergencies the suits in Washington deal with are more meetings and they still wear their suits. State emergencies involve sand bags and jeans.

4.  They must be big-picture oriented. They must place the good of the country far above the good of any political action group or party. They must be dignified and refuse the temptation to play spin games or finger point. The goal is leading the nation, not seeing what they can get away with or how much money they can raise for their party. The priority is the entire nation, not one particular group.

5.  They must have volunteered. Somewhere. At some point in time. Enough said. If you have have never volunteered, you have no idea what it means to put others you don't even know first. Try it. It expands your heart, mind and soul. I don't want someone leading the nation that hasn't already done this.

6. They must agree to quit spending so much of our money on election galas. No more zillion dollar big events lasting days. No party while Rome is burning. And even if it wasn't, there are far more tangible and important things to do with the dollars spent on Inauguration hooplas. And seriously, no dragging in Hollywood. Those guys are actors, not scions and while their mere presence can indeed influence, they don't have the education to do so. Their opinions should not be elevated. They are entertainers. Okay. Okay. If you think we do need some music, what if the musician has to sign something that they aren't gonna lob their politics around?

While I'm on my rant about reorganizing Washington, here's the biggie: NO MORE LIFE LONG TERMS FOR CONGRESS. Let's bring it back to what the Founding Fathers intended - serving for a season then returning home. If we remove career politicians, perhaps we can allow a more balanced experience for lobbyists and special interest groups? No one will owe anyone because of the revolving door and real work can be accomplished for all - not some - of the people.

Just thinking...


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