"We Don't Like The Way You Think"

So there!!

A big story this week is how LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling spoke horribly about black people to his girlfriend. Apparently, she was recording their conversation and somehow it went viral. The NBA Commissioner revoked Sterling from basketball for life and heavily fined the billionaire. There is talk about forcing him to sell his team. The media is ablaze with this story, labeled him as racist and tells us that is unacceptable. Public reaction is categorically outraged. Pundits have their new thing to talk about each hour on cable.

Yes, what this man said is awful. His team is mostly black but he doesn't want blacks to come to his games? I don't get the logic behind that. But then, there is no logic to discrimination is there?

I do not agree that racism is as prevalent as some of the talking heads have spun it. One of them said that racism is fading as the last generation raised to be so critical ages out of society. Today's Gen-X, Y and Z-ers have not grown up hearing their parents judge races like that. Something to think about.

There are three points I need to make while being in full agreement that the man should not have said what he did. Point one is that no one should say anything like that about any people group of any race, color, creed, size or gender. Rather that the collective gasp at the attack on one group, why isn't there one for any offensive language or behavior?? Why just the one group? Being offended is an equal opportunity in today's culture yet only certain offenses have been deemed to be publicity-worthy.

Don't you think any form of judgement or prejudice is harmful? The recipient can be hurt or offended by any form of marginalization. I once was the only woman on staff and one co-worker refused to even look at me when I spoke because I was a woman. He made a point to stare at the table instead. That was not only rude, it was discriminatory. What about other nationalities or skin colors?  I am amazed at the generalizations I hear about races you wouldn't even think of.

Being intolerant can seep into every economic class and education level and it's wrong, no caveats.

My second point is that this was a supposedly private conversation. Granted, the words were still wrong. But how many private conversations have you had where you were ranting about something to someone you trusted? Wouldn't we all cringe if our words were make public? If you have never had some harsh utterances, go ahead and start throwing stones at the man.

My third point is that while what Sterling said is arguably universally agreed as disgusting, does that give anyone a right to come in and seize his company or tell him to sell it? Are they gonna tell him how much he can price it for, too? Everyone says they don't like what he said. So because we don't like that, we take away his stuff? How does that line up with the offense? Ban him. Fine him. Sure. But to amp it to taking away his organization?? How is that even legal?

What if you don't like the way I think? What if you consider what I think or believe is morally wrong? There are plenty of people who actually think worshipping God is just that. I worship God, the Creator of the universe. So does that mean they can come to my house and take my stuff? Delete my blogs? Put a sign in my yard? That doesn't sound terribly legal, does it? Yet somehow this man Sterling is worthy of losing the team that he owns.

If you haven't read George Orwell's book 1984, you really should. It was written well before that year about a society of thought-police ever-watching its people. Monitoring them. Freedom was lost. Is that really what we want to do with the Clippers owner? Isn't that a bit like the abortion protestors killing abortion doctors in the name of the life of a baby?

Adding to the problem isn't going to solve it. I say revoke him, fine him and let him experience the loss that comes with that. After all, he said this to his mistress. He can experience the repercussions from his wife, from the public who won't pay to see his team, from his team who disdains him. He can lose his place in society naturally, we don't need to be the thought police and come in and nuke him.

God created humans with free will. He wants a relationship with us but he does not force it. God wants us to choose on our own. The Creator of the universe gave us the freedom to think how we will. As Creator he certainly could have forced our brains to be just the way he wanted, but he wanted a real relationship so he let us have that freedom. Telling Sterling how he had better think or else isn't going to change him. That needs to come from the inside out and it won't come from taking his team away. He's a billionaire. I think they should have fined him more. But then, I think every public person should be fined when they devalue anyone. Fine for the offense, don't go overboard. The message has been clearly sent. It's his choice to retract and apologize and attempt to make restitution. Time for Donald to wake up.


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