How's Your Air Space?

There's a Jerry Seinfeld episode where he commiserates with his pals about a certain acquaintance of theirs being a "loud talker". You know, the one everyone can hear from across the room?

While sitting in a cafe trying to do some research using their free Wi-Fi, I was recently treated to my most recent "loud talker". And don't be fooled, I think I attract more than the national average. This foghorn was with two other co-workers, but only her voice banged into the air. If I didn't know better, I would have thought she was giving a monologue. When her banter moved to the birth stones on her necklace for her niece and grandchildren, out came my ear buds! I don't even know the birth stones of my own children and she could list names and family tree positions.

Just because I wasn't interested in hearing all of this doesn't mean she isn't entitled to have any kind of conversation she would like. Go ahead. Carry on. Just please do it at a decibel that includes only the people at your elbow.

Then there are the "cell phone loudies". Oh my gosh, they are even worse because they are walking around spreading their cheer from aisle to aisle without a care in the world. You can't escape them, they probably need the same items you do. The only thing to do is leave your cart and come back another day. They prattle on without a care in the world taking care of their business, whether it is about their coming plans or some meeting they didn't like. We all get to hear it.

What about the "movie theater talkers"? I had the good fortunate to sit in front of a set of them once and when they didn't lower it once the movie started, I politely asked them to be quiet so others could hear. Instead, they had the decency to sit behind me and talk about how rude I was.

Remember when you weren't supposed to talk in libraries? That probably dates me because now that is just plain an oxymoron.

Here's a fun one for you. It happened on the same day I was in the cafe sitting in my booth. It seems the lady behind me was somewhat acquainted with the lady two booths in front of me. You guessed it - they held a reunion speaking right over my head! I was clearly face-down on my iPad (not playing Candy Crush Saga) and no one was with me. Perhaps they thought they were helping me out because surely I must be lonely? Or, did I accidentally turn on my cloaking device again?

Finally, this diatribe would not be complete without a mention of the "foghorn mom". You know her, she yells so loud at her kids in Target everyone winces and light fixtures rattle. We all get to hear how she "means it this time", and how they aren't going to get a birthday party and how she's "had it". Your summer isn't complete without a few blasts from her.

Ah, the power these passive-agressive-offenders have with their mere vocal cords...


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