The Thought Police

Here they come. Well, actually they have been on the way for quite some time. Ever read George Orwell's book 1984?

Follow this story:  Back in May 2013, A high school in Arizona thought that school spirit would be increased by having a "Redneck Day". Students could come dressed in characters inspired by the popular TLC program "Duck Dynasty."

Side note: I have hosted themed events for years and it is indeed both team-building and fun to produce and experience so I am a big fan.

Continuing:  The U.S. Department of Education is conducting an investigation into this matter because one student wore a Confederate flag that day. Civil rights activists claim this created a racially hostile environment. 

What  was intended as innocent fun is now undergoing scrutiny including moderated conversations between the school administrators and the civil rights community to "shape new policy and racism prevention measures."  Apparently some students and their families were offended, and the superintendent has apologized.

The school year is more than over, but a group of government employees is going to make sure no one is offended again, and that first Amendment rights are protected.

If we continue to insist that the federal government legislate in every area, our list will never be all-inclusive because things continue to happen that we hadn't anticipated. Then we'll add to the list and then up will crop another something the government thinks it needs to manage.

What about keeping it simple and start off with the intent of the thing? That event might have offended a few people, but gosh so does the American Flag and a Christmas Tree. The intent was to have fun for a day, period.

I am offended at this offense and that it has become a civil rights issue.


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