The Danger of "Carlos Danger"

A politician making headlines the past two years is a man I had never heard of...until news of his "selfies" hit the fan. In 2011, this New York state congressman was caught taking photos of his privates with his smart phone and sending them to women who were not his (then pregnant) wife. Public outrage forced him to resign and presumably his career trajectory crashed.

According to a People Magazine interview in July 2012, the ex-congressman went through therapy after his resignation. Photos show a happy family holding their baby son who had worked hard to overcome what he had done. They had put that past behind them.

A few months later, this rehabilitated family man threw his hat into the ring for the upcoming New York City mayoral race. Over 8,300,000 people live within its 469 square miles, making it the largest city in the United States. Thousands of major corporations make their headquarters there. Its annual operating budget is $70 billion dollars. That's quite a jump in responsibility and impact from the role of a congressman.

Within the past few weeks, it has been revealed that last summer wasn't so blissful after all and the self-proclaimed healing had not really taken place. Photos surfaced with the candidate again sending nude photos he had taken of himself to other women and referring to himself as "Carlos Danger". Apparently the recipients did not even personally know this man.

Now the public is up in arms regarding his "perverse" behavior. When he stood with his wife before the press apologizing for his actions, he referred to it as something that "had happened to them" and did not bear personal responsibility. In my world, a car accident is something that "happens" to you. Picking up your smart phone, clicking and sending is something you choose to do. So the public is supposed to buy his attempt at another apology?

After the apology, more has been revealed and Carlos is losing support fast. His word was not true in July 2012 and it isn't true now when he doesn't fully own up to the fact that he is derelict in character. Carlos is not faithful to his family and has brought shame upon them. That's what happened. He has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted within his small family unit and wants New Yorkers to entrust him with the budget and reputation of our nation's premiere city.

A recent press conference showed a tenacious woman asking these very questions of the man who as of now refuses to go away. When she pushed and asked why he thinks people should vote for such character, Carlos spun it. He snapped, "you're not going to vote for me, are you?" She said no, why doesn't he drop out. His comeback was that he wasn't going to drop out because of one vote, he was going to let every voter decide.

He seriously thinks he has what it takes to represent America to the world as mayor of this city. The fact that stories continue to surface about his uh, questionable character does not even make him blink, much less blush.

I don't know what a campaign costs to run for mayor in a city this powerful, and I don't know where this man gets his funds. But just think of the good every one of the dollars he has spent and plans to continue to spend could do? What disease could receive additional research funding? What shelter could purchase new beds? What food shelf could stock up with even more food options for the growing number of impoverished families? What inner city school could get rebuilt?

No, instead this man is willing and emboldened enough to drag his personal dirty laundry through the press and further damage his family to the core. No, instead this man demonstrates even more reasons why he should not be entrusted with any responsibility whatsoever. No, this man is going to stay in the  race because it's his right and he's going to let the voters "decide".

A dangerous observation of our nation's moral erosion came from a cable news commentator the other day. Referring to politicians, she said the public can take affairs. The public can take cheating. It just can't take perversion.

What's next?


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