Pro-Choicers Should Choose Quicker?


The attorney for the recently convicted abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell was being grilled on FoxNews the other day by Megyn Kelly. She kept questioning how either he or the doctor could condone a late term abortion. The attorney kept responding that the primary practice targeted abortions in the first term, and that only "a few" were late term. He proudly stated that the clinic was not in the poor condition the media depicted, and that many clients were referrals. Pregnant Megyn kept at him until he finally acquiesced, sputtering that pro-choice people should "choose quicker" and that an abortion over 24 weeks was just "too late".


There is a cut off line between when it's the choice of convenience or harm to a human? Before a certain period of time, a life in the womb (with a beating heart and fingerprints not to mention being fully formed) can be disposed of and referred to as pro-choice? After this invisible line, it becomes illegal and downright ghastly?

Using this logic, the only difference is the length of time the baby is growing in the womb. According to people who believe that killing a baby is a "choice", it doesn't matter so much when it hasn't been in there that long.


Don't they really mean that they think they are the ones who get to choose whether or not a baby is a baby? Because it really is a growing life all along. The "pro-choice" advocates insist on permission to retitle something as something else so that it sounds better. That baby in there is a baby whether the woman carrying it "decides" to agree with that reality or not, whether he is 10 weeks or 39 weeks.


How did our country (if not the world) get into an argument at the level of  whether or not a human life is life and drawing lines? Ridiculous!  How did a dolphin or a spotted owl come to have more value than a person? Oh, and don't forget the pets we can pay for so they don't get euthanised. And someone please tell me how the still small voices crying out on behalf of innocent in-the-womb-babies have become public enemies to mock??

What do these people say to the woman who miscarries?

Do these people actually talk to the women who have had abortions? Not one woman I have ever met who once had an abortion is proud of her decision after the fact. Every one of them carries a heavy burden of grief and regret, and years later, many struggle to forgive themselves. Others are haunted every time one of their other children celebrates a birthday. Do any of the "pro choice" advocates listen to these aching people when they demand some sort of  "right"?

The attorney for Dr. Kermit believes that since some of the charges against his client weren't "proved", they weren't valid. How many things do we know of that actually happened yet failed to be proved in a court of law? Only when you have been in court yourself do you learn that truth is a commodity and that justice exists only in the form of the most artful argument.

I don't care what any legal eagle says, I know what life is. I have had the blessing and honor to feel life growing within me twice. If this makes a pro-choice person dislike me, fine. I can handle being disliked because I value every person, in or out of the womb.


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