What Value Do You Attach To Circumstances?
A therapist once shared with me the formula for a healthy emotional life. A + B = C A is the thing that is happening. B is how I perceive it. C is my response. A cannot be changed. But my C has many options depending on my B . The less value I attach to any B , the calmer I remain and the more focused I can be on the task at hand. If I perceive a B as an affront to me, I will respond subjectively with limited scope. If I perceive a B as horrific, my C may be to freeze in my tracks when I really need to be dialing 9-1-1. The more objective I can be about a B , the healthier my response. I like to tell clients to climb up on an imaginary step ladder and get an overview of the situation from a higher perspective. Get out of the weeds at eye level. What is going on? The less we personalize a B , the less emotional or let down we become. Oh sure, you say. You have no idea what I am going through! You're right. No one but you truly knows that. Because every one ...