"I Identify As...."
With the Bruce Jenner appearance change and being heralded as courageous for his new name and attitude - not to mention prominent cover shoot on a big deal magazine - we now have NAACP leader Rachel Dolezel pretending to be black. Talking heads are lumping them both in the same bucket. If that is what they feel , we must then understand and support. Apparently both parties have felt they identified more as a female/black since childhood. Both have altered their appearances to reflect their true inner selves. The fake black lady's parents are shaking their heads while new-woman Bruce's family is applauding. No matter how many surgeries or self-tannings, each of these people still have the same DNA they were born with. And in Rachel's case - the same birth parents even though she shows a photo of a black dad. Both of these people have to undergo extra effort in order to appear as the person they claim is their authentic self. Since it is on-trend to identify with what ...