
Showing posts from May, 2014

When Will This Be Over?

Ever asked God this question? Our son did at age five when he was throwing up every 30 minutes in the middle of the night. "Mommy, when will God let this be over?" When I do sit ups, I can't wait to get to the end of a set. When I used to swim a mile, I counted every lap and knew when I hit 72, I'd be done. Kids know down to the minute when the school year ends. Adults know when the work day is supposed to end. When you are doing yard work, you can see how much more you have to do before you're done. Sometimes the stuff we want over isn't so easily thrown up or monitor-able. Perhaps you are in a situation right now that you would trade if you could only just be throwing up instead of facing or dealing with the horrible thing that isn't going to go away any time soon. And you have no way to know where you are in the time table. We are drafted into the vortex of waiting. Waiting to see things unfold. Waiting for actions to be replied to. Waiting for...

"We Don't Like The Way You Think"

So there!! A big story this week is how LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling spoke horribly about black people to his girlfriend. Apparently, she was recording their conversation and somehow it went viral. The NBA Commissioner revoked Sterling from basketball for life and heavily fined the billionaire. There is talk about forcing him to sell his team. The media is ablaze with this story, labeled him as racist and tells us that is unacceptable. Public reaction is categorically outraged. Pundits have their new thing to talk about each hour on cable. Yes, what this man said is awful. His team is mostly black but he doesn't want blacks to come to his games? I don't get the logic behind that. But then, there is no logic to discrimination is there? I do not agree that racism is as prevalent as some of the talking heads have spun it. One of them said that racism is fading as the last generation raised to be so critical ages out of society. Today's Gen-X, Y and Z-ers have n...