
Showing posts from August, 2015

Oh. So NOW You Call That Body Parts?

Ever since Roe v Wade gave women permission to abort their unborn children, the thought police have carefully and systematically worked to retrain our thinking. It's a fetus - not a baby. It isn't a child unless it is born . It's choice - not an abortion. It's women's health - not murder. In spite of the facts about how many days after conception a heart is beating or there are fingerprints or even videos showing a baby smiling or hiccuping, we are told that is just intollerant, right-wing slander. People who point out that the baby is alive in the womb are damned as "anti women's health" or extremists against a woman's "right" to choose. The number of weeks a baby can be aborted varies by state. I am anguished to report that some abortions occur at a genstational age where the baby would be able to live outside the womb as a preemie. Instead of talking about the death of an aborted baby - his life ended by the mother's choic...