The Real Hero of The Week

Less than a week ago, former Olympian Bruce Jenner made Kardashian-esque news in his exclusive 2-hour interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC. It was then that he informed no one anything new as his ever-altering image has been splayed accross the media for years that "Dude Looks Like a Lady." Apparently, Jenner feels female on the inside and is taking dollars, time and doctors - not to mention press - to correct the joke he claims that God has pulled on him. Yes, I admit I watched that awkward interview where Sawyer positioned herself as if this was a newsworthy story with all the correct "listening" expressions and postures. It was uncomfortable to watch a once-famous athlete seek to redefine and normalize what he is doing. It was uncomfortable to watch a once-famous athlete seek Kardashian "fame". Twice his eyes gave a knowing look as he triumphantly stated that with all the drama in his ex-wife's franchise he "had the real story" all al...