How Social Services Hurts Families
In my current role as an in-home mental health practitioner to individuals and families, I see a variety of households in as many conditions and situations. Insurance pays for my services, otherwise most of the clients would not be able to afford much-needed help. Various government programs provide further assistance for basic needs like rent, utilities, personal care and more. A free shuttle service is available for transportation to and from medical appointments. Of course there are also several routes to take that put food on the table. In short, there are so many options available that if someone is willing to do the work to move ahead, support is in place and ready to act. An average person "in the system" has at least five different individuals providing support services. This is how over 49% of Americans are able to get by. Those numbers have gone up the past few years, and the length of time someone can receive these services has also been extended. No one is get...