
Showing posts from July, 2014

Presidential Prerequisites

Somewhere in grade school, didn't we learn about the minimum age and required citizenship status in order for someone to become president? Those are fine. They can stay. But I believe we need to add to the list. Let's make it more robust. And make an understanding of the international situations a duh. And while we are at it. what if there were no more war chests? What if each candidate had the same spending limit? And... you'll love this one...what if campaigning could not begin until 90 days prior to the election? And... what if slander ads were off the table? Imagine a shorter campaign period where nothing but facts were presented? Hmmm. Oh wait, what about all the spin jobs that would go away? Well, maybe the should. Before anyone even runs for office of the President of the United States they need to meet more than those minimum standards and having a law degree is not on my list - we can leave that to all the cable talking heads. 1.  They must have graduated Bas...