It Didn't Work When I Prayed
This is probably one of the most frequent comments I hear from people who are struggling. Their lives are upside down, they are overwhelmed and in frantic need of peace - so they try praying. They are glum as they tell me "it didn't work." When people are in this state, they have already done the anxious math and are so wound up in all the "I can't" and "What if" spiraling thoughts that they don't have the space in their overwrought minds to hear. When they are calmer and can focus, I can share how prayer really does "work." First of all, prayer is not a last resort. It is not something you do when you think you have tried everything else. In America today, it is media-acceptable to talk about that kind of prayer as much as you want. Cuz that is the "prayer" that is mumbled or recited dutifully and ritualistically. Everyone can put up with that prayer, even on TV. I grew up with those prayers at every meal and at bedt...