But Don't Deliver My Mocha

I'm in the throes of major project overload for my final year in grad school, so that means it must time for a blog post. LOL. I'm studying at my "branch office"; one of the local Starbucks where every barista knows my name. When I came up for air to order a decaf mocha (drink #2 today folks), I got hit with this thought. So here goes... Today's North American culture is increasingly directed to living well without leaving home. Think about it. With Amazon you can sit with your broken foot on ice and travel to any store and item you like. I ought to know, that's how I've survived this fall, pun unintended. When the array of packages began to flow, my bewildered husband asked where they came from. "From right here," I gestured, using game-show-model-hand-gestures to sweep over the chair and ottoman that has been my perch. Not only can Amazon ring your doorbell practically the second after you hit "place order", you can hire a servi...