Where Did Average Customer Service Go?

Haven't we all been so desensitized that our hard-earned dollars really don't mean a thing to front line employees that we host a parade when some actually does their job.? We perceive them as amazing when in fact - not too long ago - that would only be considered average in the customer service world. Customer service is not limited to your experience at Target or McDonalds. Customer service is part of every single organization - profit and nonprofit alike. Think about it. The leaders of these organizations want more publicity, attendance or profit. They are always trolling for new hooks to bring in consumers, telling them why they need this experience or ought to make this donation. (Just think about those adopt-an-abused-animal ads with the sad music on TV. If we don't do it, we are selfish and uncaring.) My theory has always been that every experience is a customer service experience . Every single one. And if you do not value the person during that experience, ...